Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Google Wave

Watch this video on Google Wave if you missed class last friday.

We also covered podcasting and programs like Audacity and Wax.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Assignment 8

Due October 23rd

Use both wolfram|alpha and google to try and determine the answer to the following questions. For each one, state the answer, and say which tool was the most useful or fastest in finding the answer. List either your alpha query or your google search query that resulted in the answer.

1. All english words containing the letters "eue"
2. How much potassium in 4.7 oz of banana?
3. How old was Barack Obama on the day you were born?
4. Date and time of the next total solar eclipse in Eugene?
5. What is the minimum and maximum price of google stock since it went public?
6. Link an image of the barcode for UPC 01234567890
7. How many vertices does an icosahedron have?
8. Distance from Eugene to Tokyo?
9. Average Oregon income per capita?
10. What is the Morse code for your first name?

Assignment 7

Due October 23rd

Choose another student's wiki page that you're interested in and add content to it. This can include text, images, or video just like your own page. Avoid taking on the role of spelling and grammar police and focus on the content. The idea is to use the wiki interface for collaborative content generation.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Project Ideas

Some ideas for end of term projects:

1. podcast (video or audio)
2. Report on a book related to Web 2.0:
a) Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
b) Diamond Age, or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson
3. Make a virtual environment in Second Life
4. Do a research paper on a Web 2.0 topic such as Collective or Swarm Intelligence
5. Contribute to the Spoken Wikipedia project
6. Create a video mashup
Sample: This is Sparta

Some of these will be discussed in more detail in later lectures, such as podcasting. You can either choose a project from this list or come up with your own idea. Either way send me email with what you're planning to do. For your own ideas, send me reasoning on how it's related to the course.

Assignment 6

Due October 16th

Go to our class wiki site and request access. Once you get a confirmation email, you can choose a password and start creating your own page. The page can be about any topic you're interested in. Make it factual, as opposed to a blog-like opinion piece. Use wikipedia as a model if you like. Incorporate some higher level content such as videos or audio or images.

The next phase will be to edit some of your classmate's pages and add to them, making it collaborative. For now just do your own page, more about phase 2 next week.

See my sample page on Robotics if you need some guidance on page creation.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Student blogs

Nate Banducci
Dale Beaty
David Blechinger
Ryan Casad
Nathan Chadwell
Rich Clinton
Nathan Copeland
Jack Fisher
Michael Healey
Jo Jensen
Max Keele
Jay Lindly
Adam Lindsey
Naomi Lyons
Jillian Norton
Trisha Peterson
Charles Ransone
Renee Sorseth
Jesse Thompson
Shane Weidenhaft
Veronica Wilkens
Serge Wisotsky

Sample blogs

These are some blogs we looked at in class:

Personal blog
Dullest blog in the world
Cartoon Church
Liberal news blog
Conservative news blog
Political blog
Corporate blog

Blogs in plain english

"In plain english" is a video series describing different web 2.0 tools. Here's the blog video:

Assignment 5

Due October 9th

Using the gadgets interface, add a poll to your blog about any topic. Then visit the blogs of other students and vote on their polls.

Assignment 4

Due October 9th

Find a video on youtube that interests you. Embed it in a blog post and comment.

Make a blog post with one or more images. It can be the same post as the video or a separate post.

Assignment 3

Due October 9th

Choose one of the following:

A) Visit Shane's blog and do a little research. Follow his links, google, listen to NPR interviews, anything you can think of. Make a post of your opinion on the story. Is Shane a victim or is he foolish?

B) Visit a news site or political blog and comment on any news story of interest to you.

Assignment 2

Due October 9th

If there is a blog you read regularly, post a link to it on your blog and say why you find it interesting. If you aren't a regular blog reader, use google or another search tool to find one you're interested in, and follow the instructions above.

Assignment 1

Due October 9th

Create a blog on and email your blog's URL to the instructor.


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