Friday, October 9, 2009

Project Ideas

Some ideas for end of term projects:

1. podcast (video or audio)
2. Report on a book related to Web 2.0:
a) Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
b) Diamond Age, or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer by Neal Stephenson
3. Make a virtual environment in Second Life
4. Do a research paper on a Web 2.0 topic such as Collective or Swarm Intelligence
5. Contribute to the Spoken Wikipedia project
6. Create a video mashup
Sample: This is Sparta

Some of these will be discussed in more detail in later lectures, such as podcasting. You can either choose a project from this list or come up with your own idea. Either way send me email with what you're planning to do. For your own ideas, send me reasoning on how it's related to the course.

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