Friday, October 16, 2009

Assignment 8

Due October 23rd

Use both wolfram|alpha and google to try and determine the answer to the following questions. For each one, state the answer, and say which tool was the most useful or fastest in finding the answer. List either your alpha query or your google search query that resulted in the answer.

1. All english words containing the letters "eue"
2. How much potassium in 4.7 oz of banana?
3. How old was Barack Obama on the day you were born?
4. Date and time of the next total solar eclipse in Eugene?
5. What is the minimum and maximum price of google stock since it went public?
6. Link an image of the barcode for UPC 01234567890
7. How many vertices does an icosahedron have?
8. Distance from Eugene to Tokyo?
9. Average Oregon income per capita?
10. What is the Morse code for your first name?

1 comment:

  1. I missed class, can anyone tell me how we are supposed to submit this? On our blog, by email????
