Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Exam change


Since there's already a winter storm warning for tomorrow and the forecast is getting worse every hour, let's not even take the chance. I've put the exam on moodle so you can take it there. Same structure as the midterm, 25 multiple choice or T/F worth 2 points each, 5 short essay questions worth 10 points each for a total of 100 points. You get one attempt. Obviously you can use notes or the computer while taking the exam. I'm sorry for the late notice but I don't control the weather :) and I'd rather people not drive in bad conditions.

Unfortunately this also means I'm canceling my office hours tomorrow. To make up for it you guys can have until this Monday at midnight to get stuff turned in. That's the latest I can go because grades are due on Tuesday. Please email me if you have questions.

happy holidays


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